Tentacles, reactors, t-shirts and, of course, monsters

Watch out, tentacles!
I know! I know. I really need to get used to updating people *before* things happen. But oh well. The last three months passed in a tizzy of unfortunate health issues, and I hardly managed to keep up myself. But I will spare you the excuses and move straight on to updates.

Final version
Earlier this year, I met up with Maik of the much-mentioned Dekor Labor to discuss a possible collaboration on some kids t-shirts. The design above is what I came up with, and they’ve been printed and from what I’ve seen so far, they look awesome. I’m expecting my share any day now, and they’ll soon be available at my Folksy shop.

Watch out, tentacles!
Things have also been moving (slowly) on the Attack of the Knitted Tentacles front. I still have a few more monsters to make, and possibly some extras to sort out. Not long to go now!

Finally, it’s taken me far too long to mention the setting up of Craft Reactor. I’m very pleased to be involved with this, not least because it’s already introduced me to a bunch of incredibly talented and lovely crafters, and by the looks of it it’s only going to get more. Head on over to the site for a look at what it’s about, and if you have questions, let us know. There’ll be an introduction/ show & tell event probably around the beginning of September. It would be great to see lots of people there!